
We serve the international market from our base in the Netherlands

Our Dutch headquarters and our four production sites are located here. From the Netherlands we export our products to more than 60 countries worldwide. In doing so, we work together with our sister company, subsidiaries and distributors in a.i. the Middle East, Russia, the United States, Europe, Mexico and China.

Our Dutch organization, together with its sister organizations in China and Oceania, is part of Ausnutria Dairy Corporation Ltd., based in Hong Kong and listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Together we form the Ausnutria group.

Factory site Heerenveen

At our factory in Heerenveen, colleagues work together to produce high-quality infant food. Here, the base powders supplied from the factory in Kampen, together with other important ingredients, are mixed and packaged, after which the end products are placed in our adjacent high-rise warehouse. Naturally, the latest insights and technological developments were taken into account when designing the factories in Heerenveen.

A wide view of the Ausnutria factory in Heerenveen, where baby and infant food is produced.

Factory site Kampen

At the factory in Kampen, colleagues work together on the production of so-called base powders for our baby and children’s food. For this purpose, the factory has, among other things, a milk reception, an evaporator, facilities for wet blending and two drying towers. Various base powders are produced here, tailored to the formulation of the end product in question.


Factory site Leeuwarden

At the factory in Leeuwarden, colleagues work together to mix and package our products. Here, the base powders supplied from the factory in Kampen, together with other important ingredients, are mixed, packaged and distributed to warehouses. The mixing process ensures an efficient combination of the ingredients while guaranteeing the quality of the powder. The packaging facilities and processes then create a controlled atmosphere within the packaging, which ensures a long shelf life of the formula.


Headquarters Ausnutria Netherlands, Zwolle

Our international sales entities and distributors are served from our Ausnutria Netherlands headquarters in Zwolle. Here, you’ll find our commercial departments, where we focus on globally expanding our brands.